Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Report of 4th visit to Tierra Blanca

Where: Tierra Blanca – In front of old Church,
When: 04.08.10
Who: Saul, Jesus, Holly (Chela was ill) (Cedesa) Laura (Rotary), 41 adults incl, 5 men, 13kids, at least 8 dogs & 3 sheep!

Purpose: We were invited to visit this community to talk about water issues & discovered they have a major health issue, the community has requested our help to resolve the early mortality rate.

Saul, Jesus, Holly & Laura introduced ourselves.
The “roll” was called (passed the list)

Agenda was set
1. Results of water samples taken
2. Advances re funding
3. Interviews/surveys
4. Method of interview/survey

Jesus explained that water test samples were taken, from 4 different levels, & different times.
Unfortunately the levels of fluoride in all the samples were higher than 3 (almost 4mg/l). Safe max. is 1.5mg/l.

Arsenic tests have also been done & we are still awaiting results.

For clarification, fluoride is not the cause of the cancer, it is still a serious health issue, but not the cause, so we have to things to solve.

Tierra Blanca has not been drinking this water for too long (well is approx. 10 yrs old), so the symptoms are not obvious in the adults yet, but it is definitely affecting the children already, especially since they are so small it is concentrated in their bodies. It is worse in Los Torres, where they have been drinking this water for many more years.

We can have a workshop at Cedesa & demonstrate how to construct a solar distiller, the only effective way to remove fluoride from water.

We suggest the creation of a committee to work on water options, discuss the options & look at alternatives, unfortunately there is no option for the people living at the top of the hill as they have no water…

It was suggested that the same people carrying out the census/interviews can do the stats re the water, there are already 2 sets of census takers appointed for each side of the community.

Laura suggested each person at this meeting could learn the details & be the ones to transfer the information to the rest of their community.

One man came forward & spoke about his ill health, he has the beginnings of the symptoms that people complain of before dying of cancer & was obviously worried about it. He was planning to visit the clinic in SMA “Similares” this afternoon.

Jesus,& Laura discussed the possibility of finding a doctor in SMA willing to take all the cases in TB, so there is consistency & medical expertise. Jesus has a friend who is a Doctor & naturopath, he will approach him.

Jesus explained he had spoken with the Secretary of Salud to have a mobile Cancer clinic (normally for breast cancer testing) come to the community to take blood samples for antigens which would be the first indicator of the presence of cancer… The blood tests would be on a voluntary basis, for everyone over the age of 16.

The plan therefore is
1. Census for all
2. At same time explain water issues to all
3. Lab test/blood test for those who want it.

Estela volunteered to receive info re who would like to go on the list for giving blood. She will not take names (as she can’t read or write) but will record the number of people.
Boys 15 & older, Girls 16 & older
She will collect the numbers before Saturday & give this information to Jesus.

Once the information is received Jesus, thought the clinic would take approx. 2-3 wks to schedule the visit.

Jesus explained Genetics & family trees & the reason for collecting census info that may point to a genetic origin of this issue. It is also important to describe the geographical limits the people move about in in their daily lives. Eg house, fields, river

Saul suggested creating a “map” so people can demonstrate pictorially where they move.

One woman spoke “ a friend told her there were some people that came with big machines & they had a hand held device with a needle that moved a lot, she assumed it was measuring radiation”

Jesus described the form the census takers will use.
The house, who lives there, general info per household, rooms for sleeping, rooms for kitchen, material of the house (ie adobe/brick), Electricity si/no, gas si/.no, use wood for fires? Etc
There are 3 pages for the genealogical tree. The oldest person in the house should answer the questions.

Main assembly finished at this point 4.20

The census committee stayed for extra training, including each completing one census.

Marisol & Vero
Pedro & Lucia
Enedina & Reyna

Session ended 5.45pm
(we arrived back in SMA at 6.40)

Next assembly in Tierra Blanca 4th Sept at 2pm

(report respectfully submitted by Laura Stewart)

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