Friday, February 10, 2012

Report of Inauguration of Sapasma II Project in Cienega

Where: Community of Cienega Juana Ruiz
When: 10 Feb 2012 11.30am-2.45pm
Who Enrique, Laura (Rotary) (+guest of Enrique’s Maria – briefly), Chela, Holly (Cedesa), Camilo, Waldo, Francisco, Alba & 4 Sapasma promoters, & approx. 70 community representatives, from Cienega & also many of the Consejo communities.
Purpose: To celebrate the completion of the 2nd Sapasma Project in this community.
First phase was 26 family + 1 pilot, this phase was for 18 family cisterns. Therefore bringing the total number of cisterns in this community to 45.
There had been unseasonal rain this last week & so the access road was particularly muddy but this did not dampen anyone’s spirits, a Tarpaulin had been stretched out to provide shade/shelter to the many people gathered to celebrate this event.
There were many speeches, Camilo from Sapasma spoke first, he thanked the partners of this project, Rotary, Cedesa & the community. Chela spoke, also thanking the team & explaining a little of the history of this project. Enrique also spoke as did Francisco & the delegado of the community.
We all proceeded on procession fashion, to the first of the cisterns to have a ribbon cutting, & then to 2 more cisterns. One of the cisterns was already ½ full thanks to the unseasonal rain that arrived just as the cisterns were completed!
The trip also included a visit to the Sapasma Pozo, which was put in place more than 3 years ago, including all of the piping, but still has not been operating to provide them domestic use water (their well has high levels of fluoride, ie will not be suitable for drinking), when they eventually do get the problem with water supply resolved. This has been unresolved for many years now, the pipes installed new 3 yrs ago are in some cases now damaged & already needing replacement (despite never having piped water!). The Consejo continues to support Cienega to attempt to resolve this issue with Sapasma – we all hope it is “sorted” soon.
We all proceeded back to the original meeting place & were treated to a banquet feast of red rice, carnitas, nopal salad, salsa & of course delicious tortillas!
I sat next to Francisco of Sapasma & was very pleasantly surprised to find he is a Rugby Fan & knew all about not only the game but the Allblacks!! Who would have thought?
A good day had by all…