Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Report 39 on Los Torres assembly Wed., May 26,

Report on Los Torres assembly
Wednesday, May 26, 3:00 p.m.

The meeting was postponed from the usual meeting time at 12 noon because of a meeting for “Opportunities” (a government give-away program) in the morning. At 3:30 there were about 20 people present, and though that was not a quorum, we started the assembly. Another 5-6 people arrived during the course of the meeting. Since Laura likes to count children and animals, for the record there were three kids, two dogs, a skinny black cat and several chickens in the vicinity.
The agenda was established:
1. Review the progress of the cisterns
2. Visit by the Mayor Luci Nuñez
3. Traspatio workshop

Group 1 –group coordinator Alejandro reported that the three families that have received all their materials have finished their cisterns (Alejandro, Manuel and Gonzalo). Of those who have not received their materials, Jesus has been working with Alejando and Manuel, and Piedad and Lucia have been working with Gonzalo. The seventh person in this group, Dimas, has not worked with anyone, nor has he attended assemblies (his mother, Filomena, was present).
Group 2 – group coordinator Cruz reported that three cisterns are finished (Cristina, Dulce, Francisco/Ma Jesus), and four still do not have materials (Cruz, Juana, Elena and Arturo). Cruz, Juana and Elena have been helping the others, but Arturo is working alone with his wife, Maribel, who was present at the assembly.
Group 3 – group coordinator José Matilde reported that his cistern in done, working with Aurelia, Josefina, Guadalupe and Rosa/Cruz but there has been a problem with the triplay … since the groups have divided into sub-groups, there isn´t enough, so the other cisterns are still not finished. Nicolasa has not worked with the others, and Caratine is working alone with her husband Gil; according to them, both of whom were present at the assembly, they were not informed of where and when the work was taking place.
Chela insisted that if people wanted to work on their own and not in presta-fuerza groups, they should just buy their own materials and work alone. She asked each representative of the non-cooperating families (Dimas /Philomena, Arturo/Maribel, Nicolasa and Caritina/Gil) if they were willing to work with others, and they said yes, and agreed to form a fourth group. Holly suggested that these families should not receive the rest of their materials (cement and lime) until they have all helped each other to finish weaving their mallas, and the assembly agreed it was important to insure that these families work together. Ironically, the cement was being delivered at the very time that this decision was being made!
Several people complained about having to go to the asesor’s house (Guillermo) to get their PVC, saying it was inconvenient and that Guillermo arbitrarily changed the lengths that the families requested so that they came out short and had to buy extra. Alejandro agreed and said it wasn’t fair that Guillermo decided how much tubing each family received. Concha defended Guillermo (her dad) saying that Rotary, not Guillermo, decided to have all the PVC delivered to his house, and he spent a lot of time making calculations in order to not waste tubing. Chela supported her, saying that in this phase we are being more economical and purchasing more precise amounts of materials instead of giving away extra, so that more families can participate in the cistern projects.
Alejandro asked about the rotoplas tinacos that will be installed in the homes of three elderly persons and Holly said they would be delivered at the end of the process. Alejandro noted that they will need materials to make a base for the tinaco (Chela agreed it was necessary to protect it from humidity), and also PVC tubing. Holly suggested that Guillermo measure the roofs and make the order for PVC and cement needed for the base, but there was notable resistance to this, so she decided not to insist. This problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible since the regular deliveries to Los Torres are now finished. Perhaps one of the other asesores can be recruited to do this job.

Chucha reported that Mayor Luci Nuñez will visit Los Torres on Thursday, June 10 at 5:30 p.m. Chucha made the invitation under the pretext / upon the occasion of the inauguration of the school cisterns.
The hour being late, and having attended a long meeting in the morning, people were not as enthusiastic as one might expect. Chela asked the assembly if they wanted Luci to visit, and they said yes; and why? The assembly came up with three reasons:
1. To tell her about the problems in the community
2. To show her the cisterns
3. To find out what is happening with the well
Problems in the community:
#1 the road … since she will be experiencing it first-hand, it will be very apt to present a petition to get it fixed – graded and pave at least the ford.
#2 – problems with electricity
#3 – need for a bridge to Cruz del Palmar
Show (off) the cisterns – short inauguration ceremony
1. Benvenida – Concha Alvarado and Rafael Cruz (new delegado)
2. History of the cisterns – Chucha and Carol, Los Torres project; Juan – diffusion in the region
3. Presentation of petitions – Alejandro, Elena, Jesus, Aurelia
4. Convivencia (food and drink, pot-luck)
4. Tour – Nicolasa ARRIBA, Caritina ABAJO
Question of whether the tour should be first or last. Those from Abajo say if it is last, Luci may never make it to Abajo. Those from Arriba say they if Luci goes to Abajo first, it will take too much time away from the inauguration. At this time (6 p.m.) Holly suggested that a committee, made up of the people responsible for the various activities, make the decisions about the logistics of the visit. A woman asked how long the visit would be, and Chucha said she forgot to ask: Holly was asked to inquire at the Presidencia, and also to help them with the presentations on Monday, May 31 at noon.

Next Mini Meeting May 31 12 noon.
Next assembly ??

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