Sunday, June 7, 2009

2nd Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Lomas de San José Water Project

Record of Event pg 1 of 2
2nd Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Lomas de San José Water Project

Where: Lomas de San José Community, opposite Candelaria on the Road to Dolores.
When: Sunday 070609 6pm – 7.40pm
Who: Enrique Orvañanos & Laura Stewart (Rotary) & 25 adults & 6 kids
Purpose: Follow up re 1st meeting last week, to determine interest in participating in a water collection project to be co-ordinated by Rotary with Cedesa to provide training & operations expertise.

1stly a welcome & re-introduction of ourselves & the purpose of Rotary.

The members of the community were a little embarrassed at the smaller number of people attending today. We agreed that it was normal, & that Sunday is a difficult day, a lot of people are visiting family in other locations.

Angelika – a teacher – is one of the leaders, she volunteered at the last meeting to collect a mini-census of the families interested in participating. She has a list of 39 families.

Angelika is in the lower part of the community.

Another leader José Luis (the guy with the black glasses that works for Pepsi) is collecting info for the upper part of the community, he was not able to attend the meeting today, they believe he has approx 30 names on his list.

We discussed the next steps & we described the process as completed in Los Torres.

They decided to form 5 groups of 8 families (with one having 7 families) to make up the 39 families.

The first step is for the community to decide the leaders of these groups, & then for those leaders to form their groups & begin to organise.

This should be achieved by the next meeting date.

Enrique left at 6.55 (he had an important talk on the environment to attend) & Laura stayed behind to answer any questions, during that time Ignacio came forward as he spoke very good English & helped to translate questions & answers.

• The questions at the end of the session were largely on dimensions of the cistern, what to do if they don´t have space for a large cistern & dry toilets.
• It was agreed that the next highest priority besides water for this community is dry toilets
• They also asked for computers in their community, they do not have a school, their kids go to the neighbouring school, & that school does not have computers either.
Contact phone numbers are
Angelika Ramirez 110 2027
Ignacio 110 2028

Action: Enrique is confirming Greenfund commitment/laura confirm cedesa schedule
Next meeting is Saturday 13th June at 6pm