
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Project Update July 23, 2016

The project (1624911) has been moving along at break neck speed!

We have now presented the education program 3 times: Boca de la Cañada, Charco de Araujo, La Colorada. 

This week I went with Ceci (CEDESA) to observe the final day of the program in La Colorada. Universally the beneficiaries are finding the program both helpful & also very fun. A number of people told me that they thought spending three days in water education was going to be boring & too much time. However, after experiencing the program, they are all very excited & relate that they understand much better now the water problems of the region & why the cisterns are so important. 

We are administering a Pre-education questionnaire & a Post-education questionnaire so that we can measure the success of the education program. I look forward to reporting those results at a later date.

We have cisterns under construction in Charco de Araujo (14 cisterns & 3 tinacos), La Colorada (24), & Boca de la Cañada (21) now. 

We have used all of the special caliber chicken wire from our vendor, Hierro Comercial, & are now waiting for it to be re-stocked. It is a special factory order & will take from four to six weeks to be restocked. This is OK as we are at a point that we need to review our progress to date & take care of many details. 

We hope to have the final version of the Water Education Manual finished & ready to go to the printer late next week. We are moving forward on the second draft of the Cistern Construction & Maintenance Manual next week. 

We still have not found a suitable truck for CEDESA & without it, getting CEDESA promotors & technicians to the project sites has been a challenge. With this respite in construction, I hope we can get these important details completed in the next few weeks. 

Next Thursday we will have a planning meeting at CEDESA to reschedule the project details & resolve questions about the next phases of the project.

Lee Carter - Rotary San Miguel Midday