
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Charco de Araujo, San Diego de la Union June 21 to June 23, 2016

After many meetings & lots of hard work on the part of CEDESA, COCIRA, UCCANG & Rotary under the guiding hands of Wendy Coulson; our expert in curriculum & adult teaching methods, the first five modules of the education program were presented in Charco de Araujo. 

The program is very hands-on & participatory so it is much more than just a presentation.

There was much enthusiasm among the participants with several persons proclaiming that EVERY person in the community should have an opportunity to learn all of this!

Overall, we are very pleased. We are now teaching at Boca de la Cañada in San Miguel & next week Wendy & I will meet to review & talk about revisions to the curriculum & also the manual which is in its "almost final draft" form. 

I will let the photos tell the story. Enjoy - Lee