
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Second Train the Trainer workshop @ Cedesa

May 4:

We had our second Train the Trainer workshop today beginning at 10 am at CEDESA. 

In attendance : were visiting Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise,  Nick Frankle, DGE of 5240,  Alejandro Guerra and Lee Carter of San Miguel Midday & 14 CEDESA promotors.

Our intent was to test some of the teaching aids we are planning. The meeting started out slow with each person tossing in a few comments as we studied the Water Cycle. Not before long, however, all were on their feet, eagerly participating and adding ideas of how to teach the information. 

It was a big success and very rewarding to see the enthusiasm of the promotors. 

CEDESA provided a delicious lunch and we concluded at 2:45 pm.

We plan to be teaching in the communities of Boca de la Cañada and Charco de Araujo in the middle of May. 

Meche Teaching the Water Cycle

How and Who is Draining our Aquifer? 

Visiting Rotarians from D5240 with 14 CEDESA Promotors
Ceci - how is water contaminated?
What are the different types of contamination?