
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Los Magueyes & La Palma Sunday, April 14, 2013

Today I went to visit the 16 completed cisterns and document their completion via photographs. 

Lilia and her husband, Antonio, took me from house to house and it was a pleasure to spend the morning with them.

I was surprised to find several cisterns had been specially decorated to recognize the important role of Rotary, Cedesa (our community development partner) and Cocira (the regional citizen's council that has been formed by the 22 communities that now have rainwater harvesting projects + 2 other communities). 

This project has been very enjoyable thus far, but to have an opportunity to talk with each individual family about the process and their experience, really drove home to me the way these projects can change lives and change communities. 

Every family was rightfully proud of the work they had done and there were many jokes about which of the three work teams was the best. On Friday, April 19, many members of our club and their guests will attend the community sponsored inaugural celebration.

Here is one of the cleverest “thank you” designs I encountered painted on a cistern yesterday:

Submitted by Lee Carter