
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Report of 6th visit to Guerrero

Indigenous dancer at Guerrero Inauguration

Where: Guerrero
When:  28th April 2012 11-2
Who Saul & Chela (Cedesa) many community members + members from other communities
Lisette & Miguel (personally attended ) a visitor from Codemac (human rights organization) (& member of the Water coalition)

Purpose:   Inauguration/celebration of the completion of 20 cisterns in this community

I was unable to attend this inauguration as I was in Mexico City, Chela related the following to me

There were representatives from 8 communities including Guerrero.
People attended from Pena Blanca, Palmita II, Juan Gonzalez, Vivienda Urbana, Capaderillo, Presita de Santa Rosa & Cruz del Palmar. These people were there to support & strengthen Guerrero as they have had (& continue to have) issues with land rights.

The format for the day was essentially the same as La Tinaja, with introductions, reflection of the greater project, then specific retelling of this project by members of the community.

The dancers at this event were indigenous dancers with plumes on their heads & indigenous costumes etc, this community is the first to include indigenous culture (which is largely lost in this region).

Ribbons were cut on various cisterns during a walking tour.

There were many balloons & streamers decorating the community & the cisterns, & of course the celebration concluded with a banquet of the usual delectable delights.