
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Presita de Santa Rosa Inauguration of Sapasma II project

The community of Presita de Santa Rosa celebrated the completion of 21 cisterns in the first phase of the water cistern project in their community.

The 20 family cisterns were funded by the Sapasma II project & the pilot was generously funded by a private donation from Chris.

I was unable to attend, but Enrique from San Miguel Midday Rotary had this to say
"On Presita de santa Rosa saturday visit, it was also a great event.
We met at the school patio, representatives from SAPASMA, CEDESA, Rotary MD, local beneficiaries and +- 8 communities... also I. Soto (a Green Fund member) and Miguel Gil (Rotarian and Social Development Sub-Director) participated.
Agenda was well structured, including community experiences ("you make a dream come through", remarked an old woman) and short speeches from representatives. Holly read a synthesis of the whole project evolution with hard data per communities and beneficiaries.
I brought an ecoStove for promotional purposes and which we raffled to the attendees at the end of the meeting... Ing. Fco. Jimenez SAPASMA Director agreed to help with $250 pesos
Then we had a good meal, with background music and a lot of fun people."