
Monday, November 21, 2011

Presita de Santa Rosa Pilot 21st-25th Nov

The Pilot at the Presita de Santa Rosa Primary School went ahead on the 21st to the 25th November.

This pilot was funded by a private Donor - Chris Hosford, as part of the Sapasma Project II, where by the time the funding was received the prices had risen & we were no longer able to completed what we had committed to 3 mths earlier... Thankfully we have people like Chris to come to our rescue...

20 individual cisterns are being constructed by the families participating in this first phase at Presita de Santa Rosa, as part of the Sapasma Project II (funding in total 59 cisterns).

Unusually there were a majority of men working at the Pilot, when I jokingly referred to the fact that it was usually the women working & the men only on weekends, sadly they said they were on "compulsory" vacation ie they were all out of work.

They are currently all working on their individual family cisterns now & due to be finished approx middle of January...