
Saturday, April 9, 2011

5th Event of the SMA Midday Rotary Vivienda Urbana Water Project (part of Micro Region 2)

Where: House near football field.
When: Saturday 9.4.11 11am-2pm
Who: Saul (Cedesa), Gary & Marilyn, Lee D, Walter, Laura (Rotary), members of the community of Vivienda Urbana.

Purpose: Inauguration of this water project 25 cisterns + 1 tinaco, now completed.

This project is now completed, the people participating have constructed 25 cisterns & implemented 1 tinaco (plastic tank for a small family).

The project went very well, with the participants reporting that the process went smoothly.

My son & I had come on Tuesday evening to photograph each of the cisterns, with the families standing in front of them, we printed these photos & they were now proudly displayed on a board above the food tables.

A tarpaulin had been strung across an area, now decorated with balloons & festive table cloths, the sound system was playing banda music & chairs were placed waiting for the people to arrive. We arrived right on time & others slowly made their way there…

The speeches began, with an mc introducing each person & their topic, the speeches were in thanks & giving testimony to the process & how they found the experience. Many re-iterated that this was just the beginning, & they were now moving on to other things, like dry toilets & back yard gardens. They emphasized how much they enjoyed working in groups & how much easier it was to achieve.

I gave the speech on behalf of Bill & the Tallahassee club & Pedrito & the Walla Walla Club, we were then taken to cut the ribbon on 3 cisterns nearby, all of which were decorated with balloons & streamers, & one of which was even sporting a drawing of Jesus on the cross…

After our ribbon cutting & speeches we were seated & feasted upon rice, beans, tortillas, chicheron, garbanzo beans, washed down with delicious watermelon juice.

A great day was had by all, & now all we have to do is wait for the rain!!

Thank you Tallahassee Club & District & Walla Walla Rotary club !!!