
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Report of 11th Event Re Tierra Blanca

Where: Primary School Tierra Blanca Abajo & Secondaria Tierra Blanca Arriba
When: April 7h 9.30-11am
Who: Saul (Cedesa) Laura, (Rotary) Gary Reid (Rotary Volunteer)

Purpose: Visit the 4th day of training re the 2 cisterns being constructed as Pilots in Tierra Blanca.

Gary & I arrived at the Primary school to find people working on the final stages of the cistern. The internal concrete plastering was being completed, & the cone shaped top of the cistern had been constructed & was to be attached to the concreted cylinder.

We took some photos had a bit of a joke with people & then Saul took us to the other cistern, being completed at the Secondary school up the top of Tierra Blanca.

When we arrived at the Secondary school, they were in full swing. The secondary school is very new, the grounds have not been established, & there are 2 portable classrooms above the permanent classroom. This had been the more difficult place to build, all the materials had to be wheelbarrowed across rough ground up a steep slope to the location of the 2nd cistern.

We took some more photos & then headed off.

The materials for the individual family cisterns are being delivered in the next few days, so the construction of the 40 family cisterns will begin soon.