
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

4th Regional Mtg of the Communities requesting assistance with water / 1st as a Consejo.

Where: Presita Santa Rosa primary school grounds
When: 2.2.11
Who: Communities represented: La Cienega (3), Juan Gonzalez (4), La Palmita (5), Vivienda de Arriba (3), Cinco Senores (3), Capaderillo (4), Los Torres (5), Tierra Blanca (9), Vivienda Urbana (2), Guerrero (2), La tinaja (4), San Lorenzo (2), Montecillo de Nieto (late 5), Presita Santa Rosa (4), Cruz del Palmar (? Late), San Isidro (0), La Aurora (3 late – flat tyre), villa de Guadalupe (0), Bandita – 1st visit (2), (more than 62 adults including 13 men.

Chela, Saul, Jes̼s Guitierrez, Holly Yasui,- Cedesa, Laura РRotary,

Purpose: To continue work on resolving the water & other issues with these communities

We arrived at 12pm as planned, but the Delegado of Presita Santa Rosa – Jose Luz - didn’t have a meeting placed arranged, he had forgotten to ask for the keys & the person with the keys was not there.

We talked for a while about possible other venues, but no houses big enough, & then asked the maestro at the school if we could use their grounds, the children graciously gave up their chairs for a number of the assembly, the rest of us sat on the ground, under a large tree. It was difficult to hear.

Consequently the meeting did not start until 12.20.

Chela “it is a bit of a problem that you didn’t organize a place to receive us, it is important to have a space to meet, so we’re not wasting time looking for somewhere when we arrive. You invited us, you should have organized – everyone understand & agree?” “si”

This meeting is of the wider region, combining all the micro regions.

Chela began with introductions all round (ie each community representative stated their name & the number of people with them, & then those people stated their names.

There was a proposal for a co-ordinator – Roberto from Presita, & secretary intitally Ana from Vivienda was chosen but she declined saying she co-ordinated the previous regional meeting & therefore someone else should have a turn. Audelia from San Lorenzo was voted Secretary for the meeting.

Saul prompted Roberto to call for points for the agenda for today.
Roberto introduced himself & called for all to raise their hands with points, & raise their hands to speak. He asked them to raise the issues re the communities’ necessities.

There was a pause (mostly probably because it was difficult to hear outside but also some were timid to be first)

Chela “we’re here for a particular purpose, to deal with issues you raise, so it is important you speak your issues or doubts”

These issues were then raised
• Water
• Sanitarios (toilets)
• Gardens (nurseries for germinating plants) (Guerrero raised this point)
• Contamination of water
• Health
• Suggestion – every community could state their primary needs & we could decide what to talk about.
• Each community representative should have the opportunity to say what their objectives for attending the meeting are.

Saul – Is everyone clear about what the “Consejo” (citizen’s board) is?
Chela asked all the representatives of the Consejo to raise their hands, there were 26 reps.
There were some communities who are not yet part of the consejo but were representative.

Roberto “we have different people representing at each meeting so it is difficult to have consistency, & often people do not really know what is going on, it is important that the same people come each time & report back”

Jesus –“that’s true because this is a new process, new for you, new for us, & it is up to you to form the process & rules, & form of work that will take place, not Cedesa or Rotary, but you – the communities.”

Chela “ you need to decide what you are building as you are the owners of this process, this process will stem from your ideas”.

“for me it’s a group of citizens working together to determine the needs of each, & how we can resolve these necessities, find the resources & work together on the solutions – only my opinion & my suggestion, but it involves the participation of all”

“When I explained the Consejo to my community I said it was a group of people working together to decide on necessities, & make decisions in total by community assembly & resolve things together”

“I’m not part of the Consejo but of the community, I think it’s in meetings in different parts of the region”

“the consejo is for you because you are the consejo”

“we talk about this & that, & decide things about this & that, this is what I understand”

“we meet in each community & talk about the issues to bring to the consejo as a region”

“we are here because we would like dry toilets” Chela pointed out we are talking about what a consejo is, not raising the issues at the moment. “a consejo is to assist the communities” “to work on solutions for toilets, water, roads etc”

Chela – that’s great – we could talk more on this but since we have a short time today that will work as a summary.
There are essentially 26 representatives of the consejo here, & the rest are here to support the consejo.

Chela asked – is it a group or the total community you are representing?
Majority were representing a group, ie they had met as a group & elected their rep. as opposed to managing to organize an entire community meeting.
She suggested next time we could get more specific & see exactly who were representing groups & who were representing communities, & how each were elected.

The name of the consejo contains the word Agua (water) but essentially all the representatives are representing all the issues for their communities (groups).

(Montecillo de Nieto & CdPalmar arrived at this point, they had been at opportunities program)

It is very important to recognize that the people in this consejo are taking the time to volunteer to work on this, many would say no, we’re too busy, this is not my job etc, but this is very important & you are demonstrating a spirit of service.

Chela – it is for the service of the community without pay or reward, except of the heart.

Roberto asked – any more discussion? “no” then let’s get on with the agenda.

Chela described what had taken place at the Micro regional meetings
That they all voted the priority of the communities in their region.
Micro region 1 had voted Juan Gonzalez & San Lorenzo to be the next recipients of any available resources for materials for cisterns.

Micro region 2 had voted for Vivienda Urbana, & in fact that project has begun (it is being funded by Tallahassee Rotary club & district & Walla Walla Washington RC). 25 cisterns in total.

Villa de Guadalupe has been voted 2nd on the list in Micro region 1, but they are not here today, people need to be motivated & live up to their commitments to attend meetings, even if resources take time to procure.

“we need to talk to Sapasma about our faulty wells” (at least 3 of the community have issues with their wells) (Los Torres, Villa de Guadalupe & Coralejo)

We will need to visit Sapasma as a group & convey the issues.

Holly & I left the meeting at this point, we had urgent appt. back in SMA.
Subsequently it was decided a delegation would go to Presidencia to ask for an appointment to discuss the issues (they will go on Monday).

Next meeting will depend on the time given for the appointment with the Presidencia, it will be a week before in order to plan the presentation.

Next Micro regional meeting Micro region 1 9th Feb 1pm. At Cinco Senores.