
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Report of 6th visit to Tierra Blanca

Where: Tierra Blanca – In front of old Church,
When: Wed 6.10.10 October. 3.10pm
Who: Saul, Jesus (Cedesa), Laura (Rotary), 19 adults incl. 4 men, 11kids, 7 dogs & 2 sheep!

Purpose: We were invited to visit this community to talk about water issues & discovered they have a major health issue, the community has requested our help to resolve the early mortality rate.

There was a Quincinera (15th birthday party for girls) in progress when we arrived & most of the town was attending the mass & then the celebrations afterwards, so the meeting today was smaller than usual.

Also the usual meeting place was occupied by a crew of people setting up equipment for the Fiesta, so we moved down to a meeting tree near the river.

Consequently today’s meeting was more informal, less structured than usual, & was essentially an information transfer session.

Health issue
Jesus began the discussion about the health issue.
He said that Lucy & Dr Bocanegra (dept of health) were aware of the issue, & they are woking on it too.
The data they have implies that the cause is not natural, ie there are outside causes to this cancer.
So we need to continue to determine the cause, either environmental or genetic.

We apologised that Holly could not make it today, she is nursing her sick partner Gerardo.

We have also eliminated the water contaminants as a cause – there is high fluoride & low arsenic levels but neither of these is the cause of cancer or the symptoms, although fluoride causes other health issues that we need to work on.

To assess whether the cause is genetic we need to process all of the “interviews”. Holly is working on the ones she has received.

Jesus asked Laura to find experts to help us with this research.

Jesus asked how many interviews are yet to be done? This could not be answered as most of the interview team/commission are attending the fiesta today.

Jesus reiterated there are new forms, fewer questions, only 2 pages to complete now so should be a lot easier.

The mobile clinic would have to be rescheduled. They were intending to come in September but couldn’t cross the river as it was too high.

Cisterns & dry toilets
Jesus explained the inauguration/regional meeting on the 22nd Oct at Capaderillo would serve as opportunity for each community to submit their request & resources be sought for the combined need.

Saul handed out the copies of forms to be completed, one per community, & one per family.
He explained this needed to be bought to the meeting on the 22nd Oct.
Saul explained what was needed on the forms, what it asked & what they should include, ie high level of fluoride & scarcity of water. He also mentioned the possibility of small families combining/sharing if they live close.

Participation in the project is mandatory, so it is not available for people currently living in the States.
Important to attend on the 22/10 & bring contributions re food & drink to share as potentially there could be as many as 22 communities attending.

One woman bought a copy of the map she had promised at the last assembly. Jesus undertook to take it home, take a copy & bring to the next assembly. Jesus clarified the region of Tierra Blanca with 2 of the men who lived there.

General information
Jesus mentioned the Lions eye clinic on Thursdays, & diabetes clinics also on Thursdays.
He passed on the appointment time to Anselmo Granado, he is booked in for 28th October. (we went to see him at the Tienda & passed him a note with the details on it).

Jesus also described the services of Patro Nato Pro Ninos, Laura had received a “pack” from Karen Livingston, & gave one to Saul for future reference too. It was explained they do work in the medical area, & any children with medical issues can attend their clinic.

Next meeting 22/10/10 at Capaderillo at 11am
Next assembly 3/11/10 at 3pm

We declined invitation for tacos since Jesus needed to urgently return home.

(report respectfully submitted by Laura Stewart)