
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

5th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Vivienda de Arriba Water Project

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5th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Vivienda de Arriba Water Project

Where: Vivienda de Arriba (40 mins from SMA)
When: Wed 14th April 2010 2pm – 4.30 (+ taco’s until 6pm)
Who: Holly, Chela (Cedesa) Laura (Rotary), 18 adults + Juan Alvarado (technician visiting from Los Torres).

Purpose: Review of the pilot project5 & planning for the next phase...

This meeting was originally scheduled for 3pm, but Anamaria rang Holly to ask if the community of VdA could meet earlier at a different location, since they needed to talk to us without the presence of Tierra Blanca community members.

First thing Anamarie mentioned was that she has 18 on the list now, not 16 as earlier mentioned.

However there are only 12 here today of the people on that list!

Chela began with the question
“why are we here at this house meeting, & not meeting at the Church at 3pm as planned?”

A few women had comments to make.
“Tierra Blanca is supposed to observe & not participate in our assemblies, they talk in our place, it’s not bad that they come, but they have no place talking for us, we’re having the meeting at this house so we have more privacy without them.”

Chela asked if it was a decision by the whole group – they all agreed.

The Chapel/church is open to Tierra Blanca, here is specific to Vivienda de Arriba.

“the people of Tierra Blanca answer, they don’t let us answer, we don’t like that they give their opinions about what we’re doing, they don’t allow us to talk”

“they were welcome to the training, but no-one came to help, just to look”

Chela – so we’re saying to TB we don’t want you to come anymore?

“if we do that, they might exclude us from the joint water meetings held in Tierra Blanca!”

“When we attended assemblies in Los Torres, it was only 3 or 4 of us, we didn’t give our opinions or interfere, we waited until after the assemblies to ask questions.”

Chela – we’re hiding from them... we should have met as planned, see how many people turn up & discuss the issue in open. We shouldn’t damage the relationship re water & on a human level. You can take control & tell them to limit their representation to 2 or 3 people, & ask that they observe & ask questions but not inflict their opinions.

Juan – no particular view is right or better, but is better to have the assembly at the same agreed place & time & discuss it there.

“when we say things they argue with our opnion”

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Chela – you all have the same rights, Tierra Blanca, Vivienda de Arriba & Espejo re the use of the well in Tierra Blanca. You need to ask them to wait, when you are dealing with a VdA issue.

If they say “shut up” just say I’m sorry I am entitled to my opinion.
You have every right to speak re water or whatever issues you have. This is a process you can learn by, little by little.

Voting for Co-ordinator & notes taker for today
They all voted for Juan, they were shy to do it themselves, but agreed to do it next time after seeing how it’s done.

Juan suggested – if they don’t respect your word, choose a representative & this person will have more strength. Raise your hand & speak, (Juan has had a lot of experience in co-ordinating).

Juan asked for proposal for someone to take notes.

Ana was voted note taker.

Juan called for items for the agenda

1. Review of the training
2. Planning the next step.

Review of training.
General consensus – it was very good!
“I learnt a little, but I liked it”
“everyone was very united, all working, all eating together, people bringing food”
Juan suggested each person in turn give their opinion (to encourage them to speak for themselves).

Each person gave their opnion...
My son helped out – he bought beer!
I didn’t go I sent my husband!
I bought food & water...
Juan – foods very important – gives us more energy!
My daughter left & I can’t leave the house alone.
If you don’t participate in training you have no right to the materials, she didn’t come to the training, didn’t know about it (supposedly), said she couldn’t come, that she didn’t have time, well all of us have houses we don’t want to leave unattended...
Chela – we all need to have respect.

There are 2 important points, 1 participation in training, & the 2nd attendance at these meetings...If you’re not trained you can’t participate or receive materials because you wont know what to do with them.

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There is someone that didn’t/couldn’t participate in the training, but just provided food & water, there was discussion as to if she would be eligible or not, & a suggestion maybe should provide a monetary contribution to make up for lack of work.

This was discussed, but everyone agreed it was too easy to just give money, & that if everyone gave money there would be no-one to do the work, & there would be no team building.

Chela – when you make a rule, you have to follow it, even it it’s a tough rule, you have to stick to your guns.

There was a revised list of the people working (15 of them here now)
AnaLorena, Carmen, MaryAngel, Julia Rz, Aurelia R, Andreis, Cevila, Luz Maria, Annamaria Torres, AnaIsabel, Theresa, Maria de Jesus, Agripina, Gloria, Maria de la Luz

There were 2 people extra, not here today, but who want cisterns.
Tomasa & Maricel, & only 1 space for cistern (ie we have 16 not 17).

There was a lot of debate, & no-one could decide who to exclude, there were pros & cons for each. In the end we wrote names onto a piece of paper & one was chosen, the winner was Tomasa. Which would mean Maricel would miss out.

The winner was conditional on participation in her group, if not it would go to the other person.

One of the woman on the list (Maria de la Luz) mentioned she couldn’t make it to all meetings as she has health issues & needs to go to the Doctor, we asked if she could send a family rep in her place, she said she had no family… at this point we decided she didn’t need a cistern, just a plastic tank of 1500 litres would suffice, hence her cistern then went to Tomasa & it all ended happily!

The groups are divided as follows
Group 1 - Ana, Julia, Ana Isabel, Aurelia, Gloria, Carmen, Luz Maria, Maria de Jesus

Group 2 – Angela, Lorena, Teresa, Agripina, Cevila, Andreis, Tomasa, Maricela
(Ma de la Luz – Tinaco)

Juan asked who knows the whole process? Some timidly spoke up.
They also volunteered their partners!

One guy came & worked hard – Carlos, but didn’t represent anyone, he is currently going through a divorce & just wanted to help. There was a suggestion they could take a contribution to pay him to assist, since he is so expert.

Delivery instructions
The delivery will be in 2 parts.
1st 4 in each group (ie 8)
2nd 4 in each group (the balance of 8)

The variables order will be placed in one total.
To be delivered to Julia Ramirez Ramirez’s casa

They will meet in groups & decide how to start & organize process.

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During the meeting Anamaria had gone to the Church a couple of times to tell the Tierra Blanca people to wait.

New roof needed
We then went to view the roof of Lorena’s house, as Juan had said it was substandard & not a suitable surface to channel water.

Lorena is a young woman with one small daughter, & a husband. I had observed her during the training day visits, she was very shy but incredibly hard working. Her house was constructed of crumbling adobe blocks, black building paper, & a blanket for her front door. There was a section of the roof with terracotta tiles, another section with black paper & rocks, & a little section of tin roofing. She definitely needs a new roof if we are going to collect water from it, I will need to find a cheap solution to a 25m2 roof for her & still stay in budget!! Or maybe raise another few bucks to pay for this roof… I will include photos of the house. I can only imagine what living in this house must be like with a young daughter, in winter & in the rainy season…!!!

Brief catchup with Tierra Blanca
We met with 3 representatives of Tierra Blanca (including the elderly mother of one of the women on the list for Vivienda de Arriba)… They were very keen for us to go to their community to start the process with them, & asked when we could have an assembly there.

We agreed that on the day of the next Capaderillo assembly (5th May),
we would go to Tierra Blanca afterwards (ie Capaderillo at 11am & Tierra Blanca 1.30pm – en la Pasada de Vivenda)

We were invited to eat at someone’s house, she made us blue maize gorditas, filled with nopal, beans & rice… with Atole (for those who like it!)…
There was much to discuss!

Finally left around 6pm for our drive home.

Photos can be seen at this link:

Next Vivienda de Arriba Assembly 12th May 3pm

First Tierra Blanca Assembly 5th May 1.30 pm en la Pasada de Vivienda

5th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Cruz del Palmar Water Project

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5th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Cruz del Palmar Water Project

Where: Cruz del Palmar Community (40 mins from SMA)
When: Wed April 14 11.40-2pm
Who: Chela, Holly (Cedesa), Laura (Rotary), 23 incl 2 men.

Purpose: Review of Pilot project & planning of next phase of the project.

We arrived late, I was held up for 1.5hrs changing US$ chqs in preparation for today´s visit. There were suppliers that needed to be paid.

Proposals for Co-ordinator & records taker were called for.
AnaLaura – ws voted Co-ordinator & writer! (someone helped her)

The roll was called, 19 from the list were present today.

Review of the work on Pilot Project
“some came for 1 day, watched & left”
“some didn´t come at all¨¨
“29 families were represented at the training – 20 of those are here today”

Chela asked how people felt about the training, there was general happy consensus, some people left because the thought it was too hard.

I noted on the first & last days a much better than average involvement. Everyone there appeared to be hands on (maybe just when I was there, but at other pilots there were often people just sitting watching)…

There are now 23 people on the list for the first phase, we have only cisterns for 20…

Holly & I left the discussion at this point, Guillermo Alvarado (one of the LT technical team) had come especially to talk with us. He had a number of questions about the organisational side of the projects.He had gone house by house, checking the measurements & had a list of the variable materials required for Los Torres phase III (by family)…

We discussed possible procedure re the delivery of the variables & other materials orders. Benigno from Cedesa had taken charge of this process during Phase II at Los Torres.

We have now changed suppliers (to a local hardware supplier) & the LT tech team is now responsible.

We agreed to ask the supplier to deliver the standard materials (ie cement, wire etc) to each house, as per a list provided.

We also agreed to have the variables order (ie all the pvc piping, elbows, tee joints etc) delivered to 1 house at each project, & for each family to come & collect their items as per the list.

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We debated this a little, as the other option was to have the supplier send the variables for each family with each standard materials delivery. This would likely slow down deliveries though, & may not be possible, since the lengths of pvc tube would require cutting…

I also explained to Guillermo that we have in the budget 2 days payment for the checking of the measurements & placing of the order to the supplier…ie each technician will be paid 2 days for this for each project.

Return to the meeting
We had missed the majority of the meeting, but when we returned there was discussion about who would receive the first 20 cisterns.

One woman volunteered to come off the list since she said people in the upper area have more problems with water & she will wait for the next phase.

Others argued with her, that she should stay since she has a large extended family & there are others with just 1 or 2 in theirs.

I explained that the future for the next phases looked good, that there was interest from Intl. clubs to continue to support these projects, & we are attempting to engage the Municipality in this project, as well, there is the possibility of funding from the NZ & Canadian Embassies in Mexico City…(each has a discretionary community development fund for which we may apply).

Chela – if you work hard each family could have a cistern, we have to work little by little to find the solution.

It was mentioned that 2 people from Cruz del Palmar attended the solar distiller construction workshop at Cedesa the previous weekend.

There were proposals about how to solve the issue of too many people & too few cisterns.

Suggestions included –
• it should depend on the number of people in the family
• families living near by could share in the meantime
• Irene went to training but not at meeting, she has 2 daughters here, maybe she can wait until next phase, or share.

What´s needed for the next step
1. Decide where to place your cistern (close to incline of roof)
2. Measure the qty of pipes & elbows etc you need for your cistern
3. write a note of this, give to Rafael Cruz to check
4. Rafa will check measurements at each house
5. Rafa will compile a list by house & in total for the variable materials order
6. Rafa will get that list to Laura to place with the supplier
7. Supplier will deliver those materials to one place, & each family will come to collect what they need (re their list). The house of Diana Gonzalez.
8. There were a couple of volunteers who will help with the distribution of the variable materials process.

When can the materials arrive?
If steps 1-5 can be done before 21/4 then the list can be given to Laura at the Montecillo de Nieto assembly on that day.
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Delivery instructions
Deliver to 1st 4 people of each group. Ie materials for 12 cisterns for first delivery to CdP.

One change to the groups
From Group 3 take out Herminia & put in Victor.

Herminia will wait until Phase II, since they are currently in the middle of Casa Diferente (a govt. program that provides materials for the family to construct their own house!).

3 people volunteered to go into the next phase, so the list was down to 20 as required.

Next Assembly - 12.5.2010 at 11am

Photos can be seen (including the one of the blue hooded head, popping out of the cistern) on this link: