
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

4th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Capaderillo potential water Project

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4th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Capaderillo potential water Project

Pre planning meeting:
Where: El Cortijo Hotel
When: Wed 26th May at 10-11.10am
Who: Holly, Chela (Cedesa), Saul (capaderillo Community co-ordinator), Laura (rotary) – Elena – apologies,
Purpose: To plan topics for the assembly today.

Discussion points
Saul reported the Capaderillo primary school has 117 kids so 2 cisterns will be sufficient.
There is the possibility of 2 @ school and 1 @ kinder, to be discussed with community, depending on number of families intending to be part of the project, as we have 40 cisterns in total.

Ecology have advised Jesus, that the Cheque is expected to be available today for collection & banking, & therefore cash should be available tomorrow for payment of the 50% of the 40 cisterns (to enable delivery deadlines to be met).

Proposed pilot begin date is therefore 31st May, & order will need to be made at Talego urgently with stress on delivery of Saturday latest.

Meeting closed as we were running late for the assembly already.

Capaderillo Assembly
Where: Capaderillo Community (40 mins from SMA)
When: Wed 26th May supposed to begin at 11am – we arrived at 11.30.
Who: Holly & Chela (Cedesa) Laura, (& later) Elena (Rotary), Rafael & Miguel Cruz (Los Torres Tech team)+ 40 adults (including 6 men) +12kids (& 2 dogs) (+ a rooster!)

Purpose: Reporting on successful application to Ecology green fund, & subsequent Planning of implementation of the project

Everyone was ready & waiting for us on arrival.

Saul called the attendance roll - 34 in attendance who are on the roll, + 2 from Vivienda de Abajo (neighbouring community) & 1 on the pending list, + 3 first time visitors.

Important note – Saul has agreed to take on the roll of Community Co-ordinator for this community – he is also doing this project as part of his Cedesa University Course, which offers extremely reduced tuition fees to attendees who are running a project in their community.

The 3 people attending for the first time are 1 from Capaderillo & 2 new people from Vivienda de Abajo, (the 2 people from Vivienda de Abajo at the last assembly have not returned).

The woman from Guerrero is here again today, she was at the first & then not the subsequent meetings as she was not aware of the dates of those meetings.

Chela led off with the routine call for co-ordinator for this meeting.

Elena explained it is important for everyone to take turns at this role, & hence receive training.

Saul proposed Hermelinda – everyone agreed, Hermelinda said she didn’t know how & Chela explained she would learn by doing it.

Chela prompted her to ask for points for discussion at today’s assembly.
• Plan the next steps
• Revise the work groups

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We jumped straight into reiteration/revision of work groups
Group 1
Cruz * +
Saul *
Elvia +

Group 2
Timoteo *+
Estelo *+
Maria concha
Elena Group 3
Remedios +
Juana Valdez
Cristina *
Maria Lupe* Group 4
Marino* Group 5
Juana A*
Lucia A+
Salud (Gro)+ Group 6
Eva *
Juana R +
Alicia *
Pulcheria/(not here)

*=group leader += abanile/mason (husband)

All were asked to raise their hands by group & all (except Pulcheria with a sick son) were present.
It was reiterated if you are not able to attend you must send a representative, “not present – not interested”

There was discussion about attendance & some comments were
• Everyone has difficulty in attending sometimes, but it’s important to send someone in your place.
• You need to be here to plan & make sure the work runs smoothly, at this point we have a group of interested people, all interested in beginning work.
• Maybe the group can decide because it is the group that is mostly affected.
• Of group 6 they were all asked if they thought the person not present should be allowed a cistern, the majority said yes, one woman said she would go with the group, but Saul reiterated everyone’s point of view can be different & respected, & that she was entitled to her point of view, she was asked again her opinion & again said – yes, since the group says yes!

Since there are potentially 38 cisterns available to families, Holly suggested one of the groups could offer to take another family & they were asked to consider whether to accept the woman from Guerrero in their group.
Group 5 agreed.

Plan the next steps
Pilot location options were discussed
Since there are now 38 people on the list, we have only 2 cisterns available for the pilot.

Introductions & explanation of project
Chela realised at this point there were new people at the assembly & they needed introductions from us & what the project is about, Holly, Chela, Elena & I, introduced ourselves & gave the usual talk about the history of the collaborative project with Los Torres, & the issue of fluoride contamination etc. Including the fact that Rotary has funded all 4 projects to date, but that the Ecology Dept green fund has now approved funding for this project in Capaderillo, having had the concept demonstrated & proven by the hard work of the Los Torres community.

Elena reiterated the fact that the projects are not easy, they involve participation & hard work & that personalities have to be left at the door…

The director of the Primary school introduced himself (Jaime), he volunteered the school classrooms for future assemblies, & also agreed to the school being the “distribution centre” for delivery of bulk materials to be distributed.

He will be busy in July with the end of the school year, but will give Saul the key & access. He “Jaime Cruces Perez” is at our service… He also said he has a program on Saturdays for at risk children, during which he does extra tutoring.

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Chela asked the assembly if they would like to have future assemblies at the same house or at the school? (responses varied)
• “better in a public place”
• Time of day, need to consider kids might be in school & little kids might wreck the school gardens
• Jaime said not a problem, he has an empty classroom & all kids are welcome at school.

There was a vote & the majority agreed to meet at school.

Introduction of Trainers
Rafael & Miguel Cruz – expert trainers from Los Torres Tech team, were officially introduced to the community. They received a big round of applause. It was explained that they were part of the original project & are now part of the team of experts in Los Torres who train other communities.

Saul described them as being part of the spirit of help & assistance which demonstrates solidarity & a desire to unite & resolve issues.

When do you want to begin the project?
“when the materials arrive”
“the sooner the better, so we can be finished before the rain arrives”

Work Plan
Description of the process
We will build 2 cisterns at the primary school as the pilot, Rafa described the process of the pilot, crocheting of the malla can be done by everyone regardless of age, or skill level, there are some abaniles who can not work all 4 days, & Holly suggested it would be most beneficial for them to work the final 2 days. Don Julio suggested the abaniles should ideally come to all days so they can learn the process from start to finish. The more people that learn the whole process the faster the project will progress.

• The groups will decide amongst themselves who will bring food & drinks etc. & who will work the full 4 days & learn the whole process. There will be a minimum of 1 abanile per group per day.

• One woman proposed that everyone should come every day… Rafael pointed out that in Montecillo de Nieto there was 30 people per day, & they only built 1 cistern, this is to build 2.

• A minimum of 2 days work for each person in each group was agreed.

• Rafa suggested splitting the work groups, 3 groups for him & 3 for Jose Miguel.
• Rafa will take groups 1,2 & 3 & Miguel groups 4,5,& 6

• Each group will keep a list of attendance for each day.

• The person in contact re delivery of the materials for the school is Saul.

• It was agreed that the maximum length of PVC to be covered by the project will be 6 mtrs, if more than that is required the people will provide it for themselves.

• Miguel & Rafa will review the roofs, a couple of women think theirs are not suitable. (Subsequently discovered that 3 roofs need replacing – we have a budget allowance for this)

• The distribution centre option was discussed & ultimately they decided it should be the house of Timoteo & Mariana (& Elvia & Yolanda) for the main project – they will receive PVC, puertas, Grava, Triplay & people will need to come there to collect there materials.

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Doubts & Questions section
A visitor asked if there was any chance of a project in her community (vivienda de Abajo). Chela said it’s up to you whether you participate, you can attend the assemblies & Saul, said in order to begin work with Cedesa/Rotary you need to begin to organise, call a meeting & invite Chela..

Approx 40-60 families in VdAbajo, approx. 40 in Guerrero.

Next assembly 9th June at 3pm at the School

Report 39 on Los Torres assembly Wed., May 26,

Report on Los Torres assembly
Wednesday, May 26, 3:00 p.m.

The meeting was postponed from the usual meeting time at 12 noon because of a meeting for “Opportunities” (a government give-away program) in the morning. At 3:30 there were about 20 people present, and though that was not a quorum, we started the assembly. Another 5-6 people arrived during the course of the meeting. Since Laura likes to count children and animals, for the record there were three kids, two dogs, a skinny black cat and several chickens in the vicinity.
The agenda was established:
1. Review the progress of the cisterns
2. Visit by the Mayor Luci Nuñez
3. Traspatio workshop

Group 1 –group coordinator Alejandro reported that the three families that have received all their materials have finished their cisterns (Alejandro, Manuel and Gonzalo). Of those who have not received their materials, Jesus has been working with Alejando and Manuel, and Piedad and Lucia have been working with Gonzalo. The seventh person in this group, Dimas, has not worked with anyone, nor has he attended assemblies (his mother, Filomena, was present).
Group 2 – group coordinator Cruz reported that three cisterns are finished (Cristina, Dulce, Francisco/Ma Jesus), and four still do not have materials (Cruz, Juana, Elena and Arturo). Cruz, Juana and Elena have been helping the others, but Arturo is working alone with his wife, Maribel, who was present at the assembly.
Group 3 – group coordinator José Matilde reported that his cistern in done, working with Aurelia, Josefina, Guadalupe and Rosa/Cruz but there has been a problem with the triplay … since the groups have divided into sub-groups, there isn´t enough, so the other cisterns are still not finished. Nicolasa has not worked with the others, and Caratine is working alone with her husband Gil; according to them, both of whom were present at the assembly, they were not informed of where and when the work was taking place.
Chela insisted that if people wanted to work on their own and not in presta-fuerza groups, they should just buy their own materials and work alone. She asked each representative of the non-cooperating families (Dimas /Philomena, Arturo/Maribel, Nicolasa and Caritina/Gil) if they were willing to work with others, and they said yes, and agreed to form a fourth group. Holly suggested that these families should not receive the rest of their materials (cement and lime) until they have all helped each other to finish weaving their mallas, and the assembly agreed it was important to insure that these families work together. Ironically, the cement was being delivered at the very time that this decision was being made!
Several people complained about having to go to the asesor’s house (Guillermo) to get their PVC, saying it was inconvenient and that Guillermo arbitrarily changed the lengths that the families requested so that they came out short and had to buy extra. Alejandro agreed and said it wasn’t fair that Guillermo decided how much tubing each family received. Concha defended Guillermo (her dad) saying that Rotary, not Guillermo, decided to have all the PVC delivered to his house, and he spent a lot of time making calculations in order to not waste tubing. Chela supported her, saying that in this phase we are being more economical and purchasing more precise amounts of materials instead of giving away extra, so that more families can participate in the cistern projects.
Alejandro asked about the rotoplas tinacos that will be installed in the homes of three elderly persons and Holly said they would be delivered at the end of the process. Alejandro noted that they will need materials to make a base for the tinaco (Chela agreed it was necessary to protect it from humidity), and also PVC tubing. Holly suggested that Guillermo measure the roofs and make the order for PVC and cement needed for the base, but there was notable resistance to this, so she decided not to insist. This problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible since the regular deliveries to Los Torres are now finished. Perhaps one of the other asesores can be recruited to do this job.

Chucha reported that Mayor Luci Nuñez will visit Los Torres on Thursday, June 10 at 5:30 p.m. Chucha made the invitation under the pretext / upon the occasion of the inauguration of the school cisterns.
The hour being late, and having attended a long meeting in the morning, people were not as enthusiastic as one might expect. Chela asked the assembly if they wanted Luci to visit, and they said yes; and why? The assembly came up with three reasons:
1. To tell her about the problems in the community
2. To show her the cisterns
3. To find out what is happening with the well
Problems in the community:
#1 the road … since she will be experiencing it first-hand, it will be very apt to present a petition to get it fixed – graded and pave at least the ford.
#2 – problems with electricity
#3 – need for a bridge to Cruz del Palmar
Show (off) the cisterns – short inauguration ceremony
1. Benvenida – Concha Alvarado and Rafael Cruz (new delegado)
2. History of the cisterns – Chucha and Carol, Los Torres project; Juan – diffusion in the region
3. Presentation of petitions – Alejandro, Elena, Jesus, Aurelia
4. Convivencia (food and drink, pot-luck)
4. Tour – Nicolasa ARRIBA, Caritina ABAJO
Question of whether the tour should be first or last. Those from Abajo say if it is last, Luci may never make it to Abajo. Those from Arriba say they if Luci goes to Abajo first, it will take too much time away from the inauguration. At this time (6 p.m.) Holly suggested that a committee, made up of the people responsible for the various activities, make the decisions about the logistics of the visit. A woman asked how long the visit would be, and Chucha said she forgot to ask: Holly was asked to inquire at the Presidencia, and also to help them with the presentations on Monday, May 31 at noon.

Next Mini Meeting May 31 12 noon.
Next assembly ??

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

9th report of the SMA Midday Rotary Montecillo de Nieto Water Project

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9th report of the SMA Midday Rotary Montecillo de Nieto Water Project

Where: Montecillo de Nieto Kindergarten
When: 19.05.10 12.30 – 2.10pm
Who: Elena & Laura (Rotary), 23 adults including 2 men
Purpose: review of family cistern construction in progress

We arrived late at 12.30, supposed to be 12midday.

The group was assembled & waiting when we arrived.

Elena opened with a blessing, she explained this was a personal thing, not a Rotary thing.
She gave thanks for uniting us in this opportunity, & the harmony gained from working together in a team etc.

Chela called for proposals for a co-ordinator for today’s meeting.
“you have been working in groups so have experience in working in harmony, who do you propose?”
“does everyone know what a co-ordinator is & does now?” Si!!!
Carmela was voted Co-ordinator, with Margarita taking notes.

• Revision of work groups/teams
• Revision of progress
• Plan next phase (completion of the remaining cisterns)
• Arrival of materials
• Traspatio (backyard) workshops, do you want them?

Chela asked, “do you want a fast meeting?” – Si!!
“then what do you need to do to ensure a fast efficient meeting?” – Participate!

Revision of work groups
Group 1
The first ½ of the cisterns are constructed, piping not in place yet.
All 6 have been working together with no big problems, all friendly…
Elena mentioned that problems can occur, but they should be considered an opportunity to get together & solve, with the right balance of good & bad progress is achievable.

They have constructed 1 cistern per week for 3 wks, so have now completed 3 cisterns. One has put her pipes in place, but it was after the rain a few days ago, so no water collected.

Group 2
This group is working ok together, it’s taking a while, about 1 mth.
Elena said it doesn’t have to be done fast, just well & with patience, she gave an example of her bougainvillea vine, it’s flowering beautifully, but it is 40 years old, so has taken time to get to this point.

2 cisterns have been installed 1 still awaiting piping to be installed, has worked well because they’ve been having a few drinks because it’s so hot right now!! (all had a good laugh at that)

Group 3
All have been working well, started well & are finishing well! One of the women complimented one of the young men that has been helping, she said thanks to him working really hard, they have progressed well. Everyone gave him (Gaston) a big round of applause!!

This is really unusual, to have someone not related compliment someone else publicly on their efforts is a first for the meetings we have attended. Chela reiterated the importance of volunteering & helping others, a huge show of respect & solidarity for the community.

They have installed 2 cisterns & just have one cistern piping to install.

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Group 4
This group is working well now, there were only 4 working but after the mini meeting to resolve this, now 1 of the women not working, is joining in, but one is still not joining in. Maria Cruz is not interested in participating, & the community was asked if there was anyone else in their community who was more worthy to receive these materials…

After discussion, the community decided to build a cistern at the church with the materials originally intended for Maria Cruz.

The church is well attended, & it was agreed the whole community would benefit from this.

Planning Phase II
Group 1, Casilda Micaela & Irene
Group 2 Basilisa , Alejandro, Leonore RV
Group 3 Leonore RR, Soledad, Hermelinda
Group 4, ?? & Consuelo & Church
The cistern at the school will be the last one constructed.

It was agreed ½ of the groups would work on the church & ½ on the school.

Chela asked, at the end of all of this, what are you planning to do?
Someone responded “have a lot of drinks!!” “go to the beach & have drinks” Everyone cracked up, most have never even been to the beach!

Chela reiterated that the people of MdN are a good testimony of triumph of harmony, they have been working well in groups, & it has bought with it a reward, they have achieved a lot!!
They seem to have found it easy, when there were obstacles or problems, to ask questions, & work on things to resolve the issues.

Materials for next phase
Materials were to have been delivered 2 days ago, so should be here any day. They are to be delivered house to house…

Variable materials will be going to Eva’s house again, people need to come there quickly to collect them, rather than leave them there lying around.

Filtration question
One of the women asked if there was a need to filter the water.
Chela pointed out they have been drinking water from puddles in the river & from contaminated wells so this water is 100 x better, & then to be super secure they can use the SODIS method of purification of water.

Laura & Elena explained the very simple SODIS method (
& that it is important to clean your roof between rain falls, ie divert the first rain after a long dry spell, & make sure the containers they use are clean & kept for drinking water only.

Chela - There is a new SAPASMA well being drilled near by. This well will without doubt be contaminated with Fluoride (all water supplies in the area are contaminated). They contain poisons that are slow killers, fluoride, arsenic, manganese, you can not see or taste them, but bit by bit they accumulate in your major organs & do damage.

Traspatios workshop
As promised Chela talked to Benigno about coming to MdN to do the traspatios workshops.
She asked if anyone currently grows their own food, no, they all buy their veges.
Chela asked if anyone has a lot of nopal growing near their place so they could bring the “paddles” to share, to get people growing nopal. There were 1 or 2 people.

Chela has asked Benigno to come to MdN on his way to Los Torres. He will come at 11am – 1pm on 2nd June 2010.

The list of people interested are:

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Leonore RV, Basilisa, Leonore RR, Eva, Micaela, Audelia, Griselda, Ma Elena, Hermelinda, Elena, Enedina, Lorena, Leonore RM, Maria Blanca, Irene
The traspatio workshop will be at the house of Leonore Medina. They will start on a house in the lower community & then one in the upper one.

At the end of the workshops hopefully everyone will have a beautiful functional backyard & in 1-2 years they will be producing their own food!

Traspatio workshop 2 June 11am-1pm

Next Assembly in Montecillo de Nieto 16 June 12pm at Kinder
(Report respectfully submitted by Laura Stewart)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

6th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Vivienda de Arriba Water Project

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6th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Vivienda de Arriba Water Project

Where: Vivienda de Arriba (40 mins from SMA)
When: Wed 12th May 2010 3.30pm
Who: Holly, Chela (Cedesa) Laura (Rotary), 18adults, 3 kids & 3 dogs.

Purpose: Review of progress of construction of individual family cisterns

Review of work groups
We began immediately with the review of the work groups.

Group 1.
Ana, Julia, Anaisable, Aurelia, Gloria, Carmen, Luz Maria, Ma de Jesus

The 1st set have all finished the wire crocheting stage. The masonry on one has also been completed.

They are all working well together. In each group they have taken up a contribution to pay an abanile (experience carpenter), in group 1, one woman is paying for Lupe, as her contribution. In group 2 they are paying for Carlos.

Carlos was trained during the pilot, as he worked voluntarily.

Many women are taking food to each of the groups.

Juan has worked with both Group 1 & 2.

Group 2
Angelina, Lorena, Teresa, Agripina, Cirila, Andres, Tomasa & Maricela (Ma de La Luz, will receive a tinaco).

No-one in Group 2 has access to Abanile, group 1 have loaned Carlos to Group 2, & a group 2 person has helped in group 1.

Everyone is participating well.
Talego tried to deliver the materials in one load, but Ana told them no it is to be delivered casa por casa!!!! (great – she stood up for her community!)

We congratulated them for sticking up for themselves & resolving their own issue.

Lupe (working in group 1) would like some help, since he is the only abanile. They will work to resolve this.

The women said they have learnt how to do the main application of the cement/concrete, & how to mix it, but that they let the abaniles finish it so that it doesn’t crack.

They all agreed paying another person to help would make sense if they can not find anyone amongst their families.

There are 3 people who have roof issues, we need to find a good roofing supplier & provide minimum 25m2 of roof to collect the rain needed.

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We asked if we provide the roofing can they put the roofing up themselves – they responded yes.

There was a question about filters & bacteria. We gave another demonstration & explanation of SODIS, solar disinfection, .

Ma de La Luz (the woman to receive the tinaco) will need help to install her piping, her piping order was included in the original variables order.

We need to ask Juan/Rafael
• about the necessity of a concrete pad for people with Tinacos.
• How to plumb in the tubing & tap for the cistern (it comes with a tap right at the base of the tinaco, too low down to get a bucket under).
• Recommended least expensive roofing (& from where?)

There was a new person at the assembly, asking to go into the next phase, this is a small community so not likely to have a 2nd phase.

There is the possibility of her getting a tinaco – I suspect she lives alone. (Donya Nicolasa)

Next Vivienda de Arriba assembly June 2nd at 12pm

We gave a ride home to one of the young women & she insisted we come in for some food, her mother had especially donated a chicken & she had made delicious papaya water, so we could not refuse her.

We had a delicious Chicken mole & rice & papaya water, & drove home with full tummies…

Photos can be seen at this link:

6th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Cruz del Palmar Water Project

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6th Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Cruz del Palmar Water Project

Where: Cruz del Palmar Community (40 mins from SMA)
When: Wed May 12.05.10 11am
Who: Chela, Holly (Cedesa), Laura (Rotary), 27 adults incl 4 men, 6 kids, 4 dogs, & 1 cat!

Purpose: Review 1st phase of construction of individual cisterns

We paid the door supplier on the way, & placed order for the next lot of doors for 1 of the 4 – soon to be 5 – current projects.

Rafael Cruz (technician for this community as well as Montecillo de Nieto, met us at CdP & I paid him for his tech. assistance days 3+1 prob solving day, for CdP, & 4 days for MdN.

The meeting was held in the local park (not at Yolande’s house) on concrete planters under the large gum trees (could have been in Australia!!)…

The roll was passed, & people signed in.

There is one woman on the waiting list, but she is not ready to begin as is currently constructing a house as part of the casa diferente project by DIF (dept of social welfare equivalent).

There are to be 2 points for discussion
• Revision of the groups
• Revision of materials

Revision of Groups
Group 1.
Chela asked who is in group 1, who are working & where are they up to in their construction.

Ana & Jose Luis not working, & Martin is working with Olivia from Group 2.

4 women are working together, Martin is working on his own & with Olivia from Group 2, & Jose Luis has not managed to hook up with anyone working yet. He is working fulltime & so can not work at the same time as others.

They had all agreed to hire an abanile (experienced carpenter) to work with them, & pay them themselves, since Jose Luis couldn’t work with them.

Chela asked what should be done about the 2 not working then?

“the materials have not arrived for everyone in the group yet, but most people understand they must work with the group & when the 2nd part of the materials arrive work on those too…”

Chela pointed out they need to honour & respect their agreements to work together in groups.

There was a suggestion for the ones not working from each of the groups to form a separate group.

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I mentioned that I don’t like the idea of a “splitter” group since a large part of the exercise was to learn how to work in a group, & to make that group work. I asked if there was some other form of payback they could come up with to compensate for not working so far, they explained they had already paid abaniles to help them with the bits they couldn’t do, so it was too late for the others to re-join.

Group 2.
This group had had a planning meeting to which some people didn’t come, they argued they didn’t know about the meeting.

Esther, Estella & Olivia were not working with the group.
Esther & Estella had joined group 3. Olivia was now working with Martin (from group 1.

The others have been working together.
Chela suggested maybe there is a problem with human relations & maybe they need to work on “working with eachother”…

Group 3
This group had all been working together, including 2 from group 2, & 1 from the “pending group” who had voluntarily been working.

“When you work with a group, you talk to others working with you, if you work alone you only have the wire to talk to & you get tired & grumpy.”

The harmony of working in a group is great.
Taking lack of husbands working into consideration, it is not just 1 or 2 days work but is actually weeks, but will be worth it.

One of the women mentioned how upset she was because they had all agreed at the assemblies to work in groups, & then when the materials arrived people had split into different groups.

There was a question about the plywood, & pointed out there is one set for each group, apparently initially one of the groups received & used all of the plywood until the other groups went to them to ask for it back.

24 sheets came (should be only 18 sheets) ie 6 per group, & 3 groups in CdP.
They also have 1 set from the pilot to use, someone needs to go to the school to retrieve this set, they suggested the splitter group use this. Then decided since group 3 is the biggest they should retrieve this set.

Group 4 is to form with the “non-co-operating” people & new people.
Marcelina, Cristina, Felix, Amada, Celia, Wenceslada (working with group 3), Jesus
(these are an extra 7 people who were on the waiting list, Laura said after revising the budget it appears we have sufficient $$ to add these people)

They will work with Jose Luis, & Ana from group 1 (who already have cistern materials)

The budget will have to stretch to cover, standard materials, variable materials (pvc), tech assistance, wood, doors, sand.

In total CdP will complete 27 Cisterns (not the previously budgeted 20).

Review of Materials

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Diana Gonzalez asked about the pvc for the first lost of cisterns, I have been checking with Don Pedro (the supplier) daily, but it is a big order so they are waiting on their supplier. They will keep her informed & she has the number at Don Pedro.

We asked when they would be ready for the materials for the final 8 cisterns (they are currently completing the first 12 ) & now, also for the materials for the new 7 cisterns.

They agreed all for the last week of May (Laura will place the order for additional materials & make payment, & then request delivery of the materials for the total 15 on the last week of May).

Diana asked who will receive the variable materials for the 15 cisterns - & then agreed she would do it again, with help from others, since she is not home every day, she will ask that others spread the word once the materials arrive, & people come to collect them asap.

One woman building a Dif house asked if it’s ok to put the pipes up when they are finished the house, Chela suggested they put the pipes on the old house in the meantime to maximise rain collection, & move them to the new house once it’s completed.

Someone asked about the green slime that shows in the hoses on the outside of the tank, & if it means there is slime inside the tank? Chela explained the slime is a result of the sun, & therefore is only in the transparent hose & not in the tank. Also that it is harmless…

Someone called Chela Senora & got reprimanded, she insists they not call her Donya or Senora, but just Chela (the person, not Chela the beer) & everyone had a good chuckle.

Carmen Noria asked to go on the list, since we have only enough for 7 more (fingers crossed!!), Holly explained if others receiving materials do not co-operate & work in a group they may lose it, in which case she could gain them.

Chela invited people who are interested in receiving materials & not currently on the list to come to the next meeting, attendees at this meeting are to inform others interested, & there may be a 2nd phase to this project.

Next meeting to be 9th June @ 11am (10.30 Puente Cienegita)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

3rd Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Capaderillo potential water Project

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3rd Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Capaderillo potential water Project

Where: Capaderillo Community (40 mins from SMA)
When: Wed 5th May at 12pm
Who: Elena & Laura (Rotary), & Chela (Cedesa) + 31 adults (including 2 men) +3kids (& 2 dogs)

Purpose: Next Assembly re potential future water project in this community

There are 5 new people @ today’s meeting.
26 who have been in previous meetings (or sent representatives).

This is the 3rd community assembly/meeting & everyone was invited to say their name (first name only) to introduce themselves, this is surprisingly a very difficult task for some, who are too shy to say their first names, & introduce themselves as “her daughter” for example…

Procopio, the young kid that answered the hydraulic cycle questions last time is back again.

Chela asked for proposal for a co-ordinator – everyone too shy… she prompted them to describe what the role consisted of. “inform those that don’t understand, the reason for the meeting”, “ people raise their hands to talk, & the co-ordinator ‘gives people the word’ “… “to keep order”, “to provoke participation”. “ solicit the attendees for agenda topics”, “help analyse the issues raised”,

Elvia was proposed & she joked about proposing Tomasa for the role (Tomasa wasn’t here today!)… All voted for Elvia.

Chela then realised that we had newcomers & we should explain who we are & why we’re here for them. Essentially she gave a brief explanation that we are planning a resolution for the drinking water issue.

Elvia was directed to call for Agenda items for today’s meeting.
• Progress
• Promises/commitments
• Revise meetings of ecology & sapasma & presidencia
• Planning the next step

Chela asked those visiting for the first time where they were from. 2 were visiting from Vivienda de Abajo, they want to know more & they were invited by friend. They were asked to describe their water circumstance… Alicia – no community well, a family pozo (well) (contaminated), they are close to the school & have to carry water there. The other woman has a well but it dries up in the dry season, they have to pull the water up by hand, it’s actually her sister’s well.

Around 12 people attending today have their own wells, from 15-25 mtrs deep, the problem is these wells are contaminated. Chela explained soon Cedesa will be able to do tests of their wells, but the tests the govt has done in the past show levels of 4mg/l (VERY DANGEROUS LEVELS), & that’s really why we are all here.

Chela explained that Vivienda de Arriba & Cruz del Palmar communities came to us after seeing the success of Los Torres (in Montecillo de Nieto – we went to them), the word is spreading & therefore the solution is growing.

Chela “you are all interested in being involved in resolving your own issue, through participation & construction of your own cisterns.

Revise meetings of ecology & sapasma & presidencia
Laura (through Elena) described the process by which $$$ have now become available for the project here in Capaderillo.

Ecology has agreed to fund the project which comes with great added responsibility for this Community - this project really has to succeed. Future project funding will be reliant on the success of this project.

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The partners will be Cedesa (organising), Los Torres tech guys, (teaching & demonstrating construction), Rotary (oversight & reporting), Ecology Green fund ($$ for the project) & Capaderillo Community (building their own cisterns)…All of this is to happen before the next rains (ie in the next 6 -8 wks).

Question Why do we build the type of cisterns we do? Why not below ground?
One of the men present asked why we build the above ground cisterns & there was discussion around this… Chela said there are basically 2 types of water tanks, above ground & below ground. She asked why we build above ground
“imagine it takes more work to excavate a hole”,

Other reasons why we don’t use below ground cisterns:
• It takes more work to retrieve the water daily from a below ground cistern (as opposed to turning on a tap).
• It is harder to keep clean, as it has to be opened to retrieve the water (bacteria/dirt is easily introduced).
• Harder to identify a leak.
• Is more likely to get slime as it is uncovered while retrieving water

We compared the process of receiving funds from the Ecology green fund (which comes largely from fines for infringements on environmental laws), versus the huge work involved in applying for & eventually receiving $$ from Rotary. Chela said it is important for them to know how many people are working on their behalf in so many different areas…

At this point there was a lot of information being transferred & people were starting to look a bit glassy eyed, Chela challenged one man, he said “I’m falling asleep but I’m still gathering all the info” everyone laughed…

Chela reiterated it’s important that everyone knows the whole team, & solidarity behind them, & that now the Municipality is responding to this call for help (as per their obligation to respond), & now they know all about the greenfund too!

It was explained that we have to come up with a full plan to present on the 15th of May to Ecology for approval, it involves responsibility, commitment & volunteering to work, it is incredibly important to get this right as it will open the door for others in the same predicament.

Planning the next step
How many cisterns to include? How many people had attended previous meetings, as part of the commitment in order to receive these materials (cisterns) was participation in the meetings.

It was decided minimum attendance of 2 of the 3 meetings was necessary to qualify to get on the list.

The next step is to start forming groups (work groups). Saul explained it is very important that those who volunteer for each group are happy to work together, & are able to work at the same time (ie some might choose weekends, others afternoons). Working together in groups if primary to the success of the project, & when the materials arrive, we don’t want people to just want to build their own cisterns & not help in a team.

The Pilot will be at the primary school.

At this point there are approx. 30 on the list, so there will be 5 groups of 6 families.

Saul reiterated how important it is to have a minimum of 1 abanile (experienced builder) in the group. Julio, one of the other men, said if there is not one per group, we can look for one to help.

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Group 1

Group 2
Maria Con.

Group 3
Juana V.
Maria Guad*

Group 4

Group 5
Juana A*

Group 6 (pending)
Juana R
Alicia (VdAb)
Francisca (1st mtg)
Herminia (1st mtg)

* denotes group leaders/co-ordinators

While working with people to form groups, it was discovered that there are 7 people who would like to be on the list, but are on the “waiting list” since they haven’t attended the requisite number of meetings at this point.

Hence we now have 37 people on the list to receive cisterns.

The next meeting was to be 2nd June at 11am, but since we have since received the good news that the funding from Ecology is definite, there will be an additional planning meeting on Wed. 26th May at 11am (pre meeting at 10am)

Next Assembly in Capaderillo will be Wednesday 26/5 at 11am (10am in El Cortijo)

8th report of the SMA Midday Rotary Montecillo de Nieto Water Project

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8th report of the SMA Midday Rotary Montecillo de Nieto Water Project

Where: Montecillo de Nieto Kindergarten
When: 05.05.10 12.20 – 1.20pm
Who: Elena & Laura (Rotary), 12 women & 1 man.
Purpose: Resolve Group 4 work issues

Meeting was called in answer to a request to help resolve working issues in Group 4. 2 women who are supposed to be part of the group are not working with the group, they simply came to see the work being done & then went home. The women who are working would like help to resolve this, & are suggesting another woman receive the materials of one of these women, since she is working with them of her own accord.

When we arrived the women were ready & waiting. They reported they have completed one cistern already, & it has water in it to stop it cracking, this water will be emptied before the rains, so to not contaminate the drinkable rain water.

Elena opened the discussions with a general description about growth, & not asking or relying on others, but taking responsibility for ones own actions, working in harmony & in peace to make success with your own hands…

The materials for just 3 of the 6 in the group have arrived, this is as planned, ie the first 3 cisterns need to be completed before the materials for the next 3 cisterns will be delivered.

Of the 2 women who have said to be not working, one was present & one came later during the meeting. The one woman attending said she could not work because her son was sick.

The other women in the group said they don’t mind if she receives the materials but they don’t intend to help her build her cistern, & they’re concerned this will create a precedent of others wanting to build their own cisterns without helping or co-operating in a group (one of the main objectives of this project is to learn to work in groups to solve issues).

The 2nd woman arrived, & discussion centred around responsibility & being part of a team.

There was a lot of discussion as to how to resolve this, whether the women should receive the materials or whether the materials be given to people who are working & prepared to work.

The woman with the sick son apparently is married to a “mason” who could help with the work of the cisterns. She would ask him.

A proposal was made - if the women demonstrate their motivation to make up for their lack of involvement, ie by bringing meals to the 3 families on the days she is unable to work, they will consider it..

Woman 1 with the sick son – Cruz Jimenez, will do extra work, ie her husband will help.
Woman 2 – Saleta - will provide food on Sat & Sun to the working party (breakfast & lunch), & will work with the group on Mon, Tues & Wed.

It was then raised that another woman – Consuelo Ramirez, had been working extra hard, despite not being on the list to receive materials for a cistern.

Laura suggested that since we are running slightly under budget there is enough $$ to make her the 27th cistern…

After the meeting was closed, Saleta admitted the reason she had not been involved, is she was afraid she couldn’t actually do the work required, she had never done this type of work before. This is why she had jumped at the chance of providing food, since that’s something she knows very well how to do! The others explained how easy it actually was & that she had to get over her fear & just start doing the work - & she’d soon realize how easy it is.

Next Assembly in Montecillo de Nieto 16.6.10 12pm at Kinder

Report of 1st visit to Tierra Blanca

Where: Tierra Blanca – courtyard beside old church, under big tree…
When: 05.05.10 2pm
Who: Elena & Laura (Rotary), Chela (Cedesa), 34 women, 7 men, 11kids, 7dogs

Purpose: We were invited to visit this community to talk about water issues.

Back ground:
Tierra Blanca backs onto Vivienda de Arriba & Cruz del Palmar. The community of Tierra Blanca has a large sapasma drilled community well which they share with Vivienda de Arriba & Espejo (approx. 30 families).

2 members of TB have attended assemblies in Los Torres & several have attended assemblies in Vivienda de Arriba, to ask about the possibility of having a water project in their community.

2 women were waiting under a tree on the road from Vivienda de Arriba, to show us the way to Tierra Blanca. We drove down the road past VdA & came to a dried river bed full of rocks, in one place there were several deep puddles, this is where we crossed.

Tierra Blanca lies right beside this (dried) river, called “Sandamien Rio” which is apparently the same river as San Marco, further down.

We were greeted by many women, & led to the courtyard beside the old church. There was a very big overhanging tree (shade) & a long concrete ledge (seat) for everyone in the community to sit on.
We were not able to make a circle in the shade, so sat with them on the long ledge & us in front of them on crates.

We all introduced ourselves, & Chela explained about Cedesa & Rotary, & their respective roles, as well as our collaboration.

She asked who was familiar with Los Torres (they all were), & with the project there – again a majority. She said many of them had come to the assembly in VdA & asked for us to visit this community. She asked who were invited to today’s assembly, they advised not all had been informed, just a 1st group to exchange information & see what it’s all about.

One of the comments “we like what Los Torres has, it’s very beautiful, maybe the water is bad here, there have been lots of illnesses & we’re not sure what’s causing it, maybe it is the water. People here have had a lot of lung cancer, starting with sore backs & with a short time, cancer & death, the latest death is a 22 yr old woman, she had pain her back & then was in her grave very quickly”

“we don’t have elders in this community, most people die young here”
We began to ask questions –
• There are approx. 120 families, & in the whole community only 8 people who are older than 70.
• One 70+ woman was at the assembly, she spoke & said the only reason she thinks she is still alive, is that she didn’t come from TB originally, she came here when she was 16, she said both her son & daughter (born in TB) are already dead.
• This has been a problem for 30 yrs or more.

Chela began to speak about bad food, as she looked around & saw many eating “cheetos” & drinking coca cola. They estimated they have had this food in the community for 20 or 30 yrs. It is cheap, light & easy to carry, & easy to access. They eat junk food because they say they don’t have the money for better food.

Chela asked if they eat it every day – “yes or every other day”. They sell it in the school & in all the tiendas (small shops),
Chela – It’s poinsonous – you know that right? “yes but we cant afford the other food”, “we don’t know better, it’s a way of life”, “it’s like an addiction, even if we don’t have the money, we ask for credit & buy it”. “the doctor said not to drink coke when you’re pregnant, but everyone does”

One of the women who has a tienda is obviously angry at Chela for telling her customers not to buy this food, “all communities consume coke, it’s not just this one!”.

This is just part of the problem…

There were more reports of illness & death.
“whole family disappeared, cancer or something”
“amputee uncle, at nopales, agua miel, ate well, but they all died of cancer, all her cousins, her mother died of a big bump in her stomach, they were drinking water from puddles”

“TB has had a well for 10 yrs now”

The tienda owner said “there is a big alcohol problem, & water problem, the whole community has the problem.”

Generally the community gets along well, & they even shake hands when they see eachother, “yes we fight, some agree with me, others don’t (again the tienda owner).

Chela talked about assemblies: they are very helpful for listening & speaking & analysing issues.
You must leave personal issues at home, & just talk about community issues at the assemblies.

We met Susanah (Concha from Los Torres’ s sister, Guillermo’s other daughter)

Chela asked if they would like us to help with the issue of early mortality – they all said yes…

She suggested we need to analyse the water first, although it is strange that the issue only appears to exist in Tierra Blanca yet there are 3 communities sharing the same water source…

We asked if they had taken this issue to the health authorities or asked for help from anyone on this.
They have mentioned it at the health clinic in Cruz del Palmar, & were told just to boil their water & add chlorine drops (if it is chemical poisoning, this will worsten the situation!), they also mentioned it to the teachers at the Cruz del Palmar secondaria school, the teachers were empathetic but couldn’t suggest anything.

Water talk.
We talked a little about the potential for a water cistern project, described what it involved & referred to Los Torres. Here are some general water facts from this community
Pimaria approx. 80 kids
Secondaria approx. 50 kids
Kinder approx. 25 kids
Community well, with metal piping to other houses in their community, + 2 other communities (VdA & Espejo),
Well is 10 yrs old
Well is approx. 150 mtrs deep
Water pumped to holding tank & then piped to households, sometimes it works in the morning sometimes in the afternoon
Some people have latrines, most do not & “just go in the wild”
Water is mostly clear & transparent in the lower parts of the community
Water in the higher up parts of the community is often yellow, probably piping problems
The tienda owner, does not have water as she chose not to participate in the sapasma program

(it was insisted that we go to Julia’s house for a snack - tostadas, lettuce, rice, beans)

While we were at Julia’s house they discussed that the whole community was built on an old Otomi burial ground. They said under parts of their house were ruins & graves, & that during the rains often bones & skulls were washed out on the hills.

They also talked about many years ago, people digging for “treasure” buried with the bones, & that pottery & jewellery was found & sold to antique shops in San Miguel. They felt remorse for this & thought it might be a reason for the illnesses.

Next Tierra Blanca meeting was scheduled for 2nd June at 2.30