
Saturday, November 15, 2008

13th Exploratory Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Water Project

Record of Meeting pg 1 of 1

13th Exploratory Mtg of the SMA Midday Rotary Water Project Committee

Where: Los Torres – Health Fair (organised by Judy & Bill in conjunction with Health Dept)

When: Saturday 15th November 8am – 4pm

Who: Bob & Sue Leonard, Laura (Rotary), Judy & Bill (Patronato Pro Ninos) The patronato board, volunteers & staff & Health Department staff, Casa Volunteers & the whole community of Los Torres (& I suspect neighbouring communities)

Project Purpose - SMA Rotary has tasked Bob & Laura with defining the “needs” & determining the best proposal, for a major water Project involving the writing of a competitive grant for approx. US$100K.

Rationale: As part of the process of defining the “need” we will meet with as many people as possible that are directly involved in the provision of, or are aware of the need for the provision of, safe drinking water solutions to marginal communities.

Visit Purpose:

To volunteer at the Health Fair, get to know the community better, see how this day was organised & what it achieved.

Summary of Visit

We met at the Fabrica Aurora carpark & carpooled. I met Mary Caruso (medical director for Patronato Pro Nino) & Maria Aguilar & Juan Camacho – 2 Casa volunteers.

The day was a focus on health, there were various components, first priority was for the kids of the community to have fun.

Medical staff saw each of the 150 children, recorded names & health statistics.

There were 3 different “talks” for the mothers to attend, on preventing accidents in the home, diet & nutrition, hygiene/handwashing, health in pregnancy, & dental health.

The women received diploma’s for attending the talks.

The children received a free colgate toothbrush for visiting the doctor

We collated & the issued goody bags for the mothers, included were – liquid soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, thermometer, brochures on the topics.

We served beans, rice, chicken, tortillas, fruit, juice & water to approx 500 men, women & children from the community (& neighbours).

Important points

The focus was on having fun
There were 2 clowns that provided a fantastic service 1. keeping the kids entertained whilst their mums were in the “talks” but most importantly 2. to organise the children to see the doctors.
150 children were happily led to see the doctor with minimum waiting time. They were given stickers with number on them, the clowns then called for the children in groups, ie all the kids with number 1 stickers, came up to “play” with the clowns then were taken in 2’s to visit the doctor. They were rewarded with a toothbrush – which seemed like a great novelty!
There were 3 bouncy castles & soccer games going on as well.
At the end of the day there were a lot of smiling faces, they had received a goody bag, their diploma’s, information, health checks & a huge nutritious meal. They even had leftovers to take home!
Everyone agreed it was a very successful day (except Judy fell & broke her wrist very badly & had to leave before the end)!